Senior Home Care Columbia, MD: Senior Safety at Home
Senior Home Care Columbia, MD: Senior Safety at Home

Keeping your senior as safe as possible while she’s at home sometimes means making some changes to the physical environment. Many of the changes that are truly necessary don’t take a lot of time or energy to implement, making them even more helpful overall. 

Modify Showers and Baths 

Showers and baths may not feel as safe for your senior now as they did in the past. There are both big and small changes that you can make to help her to feel safer. The big changes, completely renovating the bathroom, might not be in the budget. That makes other options better choices. Adding a shower head with a longer hose that allows her to use a shower chair is a good choice, for instance. You may also want to install handrails in the shower stall or tub to give her someplace sturdy to grab. 

Relocate Items Downstairs in a Multi-story Home 

If your senior’s home is two or more stories, going up and down the stairs every day may be getting more difficult for her. There are options like stair lifts, but your aging family member may not want to invest in something like that. An easier solution is to relocate her bedroom and other necessary items downstairs. This can give her a single floor living situation that meets her needs. 

Look for Adaptive Furniture 

Furniture that your elderly family member has lived with for a long time may have sentimental value, but does it truly meet her needs for comfort and safety now? Chairs and sofas that aren’t too deep can allow her to get up more easily. If she has a difficult time standing, it might be a good idea to get a standing recliner or chair, that lifts her easily to a standing position safely.  

Swap Difficult to Use Hardware for Easier Options 

Take a closer look at some of the hardware in your senior’s home, too. This includes things like door handles, drawer handles, and any types of hardware that your senior needs to use easily to manage daily life. Swapping these out for versions that are easier to use can make a huge difference for your elderly family member. 

Having help from Senior Home Care providers can also make a huge difference for your senior’s safety at home. Senior Home Care providers are well-versed in making sure that your elderly family member’s needs are met and that she’s as safe as possible at the same time. 

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Senior Home Care in Columbia, MD please contact the caring staff at Just Divine Home Care Agency today at (301) 219-1585. 

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